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Tell us what kind of problem you're facing and we'll help find a solution.

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Through our proven processes, Day Health can help you develop a strategic roadmap to lead you from current to future state and move past any roadblocks that are keeping you from getting to the next level.

Day Health has helped many organizations with:

  • Strategic planning

  • Tactical planning

  • Business plan development

  • Board facilitation

  • Market/competitive assessments

  • Regulatory/policy review


Client Testimonials

Click the logo for a testimonial about our work.


Organizational Development

Day Health can provide individual or team development to strengthen your overall organizational maturity. We can also help you build the organizational structure and capacity needed to support future success.

Day Health has helped many organizations with:

  • Leadership challenges

  • Organizational structure

  • Change management, including identifying and supporting change champions

  • Capacity building

  • Workforce development


Client Testimonials

Click the logo for a testimonial about our work.


Design and Delivery


Day Health can help you design a new program or service line, or enhance an existing one, to meet your organization’s needs.

Day Health has helped many organizations with:

  • Program design/re-design

  • Healthcare delivery re-design

  • State-Based Marketplace development, launch, and maturation

  • Policy development

  • Regulatory compliance

  • Procurement opportunity design and response

  • Playbook development (best practices, scalable solutions, shared learnings)


Client Testimonials

Click the logo for a testimonial about our work.




Day Health can help you develop a tactical plan as well as provide project management and implementation support. We can also provide proven processes and resources to help you get things done, including developing and implementing playbooks; implementing a new organizational structure or policies; or meeting regulatory requirements.

Day Health has helped many organizations with:

  • Strategic and tactical planning execution

  • Project Management

  • Policy implementation


Client Testimonials

Click the logo for a testimonial about our work.



Day Health can help your organization to ensure timely and effective monitoring and evaluation. We can also provide analytic resources to help you capture the necessary data and produce actionable information.

Day Health has helped many organizations with:

  • Strategic impact assessment

  • Program evaluation

  • Development of metrics, measures, and dashboards

  • Analytic support


Client Testimonials

Click the logo for a testimonial about our work.


Mosaic Maturity Model™

Day Health Strategies has combined sound research with decades of business experience in both the public and private sectors to create the MOSAIC (Maturing Organizations’ Strategic Assessment of Internal Capabilities) Maturity Model™. The model and its accompanying diagnostic tools can be used to assess the maturity of a business’ most critical capabilities in order to pinpoint areas of relative weaknesses or strength and use this information to map a path forward. 

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 We’re ready when you are.

Every day, the team at Day Health Strategies gets to work with amazing clients to transform the healthcare system to make it more patient-centered, affordable, and high-performing. No matter what kind of challenge your organization is facing, we look forward to talking more about how we can help you reach your goals.

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